557 research outputs found

    Business intelligence for sustainable competitive advantage: the case of telecommunications companies in Malaysia

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    The concept of Business Intelligence (BI) as an essential competitive tool has been widely emphasized in the strategic management literature. Yet the sustainability of the firms’ competitive advantage provided by BI capability is not well explained. To fill this gap, this study attempts to develop a model for successful BI deployment and empirically examines the association between BI deployment and sustainable competitive advantage.Taking the telecommunications industry in Malaysia as a case example, the research particularly focuses on the influencing perceptions held by telecommunications decision makers and executives on factors that impact successful BI deployment. The research further investigates the relationship between successful BI deployment and sustainable competitive advantage of the telecommunications organizations. Another important aim of this study is to determine the effect of moderating factors such as organization culture, business strategy and use of BI tools on BI deployment and the sustainability of firm’s competitive advantage.This research uses combination of theoretical foundation of resource-based theory and diffusion of innovation theory to examine BI success and its relationship with firm’s sustainability. The research adopts the positivist paradigm and a two-phase sequential mixed method consisting of qualitative and quantitative approaches are employed. A tentative research model is developed first based on extensive literature review. Qualitative field study then is carried out to fine tune the initial research model. Findings from the qualitative method are also used to develop measures and instruments for the next phase of quantitative method. A survey is carried out with sample of business analysts and decision makers in telecommunications firms and is analyzed by Partial Least Square-based Structural Equation Modeling.The findings revealed that some internal resources of the organizations such as BI governance and the perceptions of BI’s characteristics influence the successful deployment of BI. Organizations that practice good BI governance with strong moral and financial support from upper management will have better chance in realizing their dreams of having successful BI initiatives in place. The scope of BI governance includes providing sufficient support and commitment in BI funding and implementation, laying out proper BI infrastructure and staffing and establishing a corporate-wide policy and procedures regarding BI. The perceptions about the characteristics of BI such as its relative advantage, complexity, compatibility and observability are also significant in ensuring BI success. It thus implied that the executives’ positive perceptions towards BI initiatives are deemed necessary. Moreover, the most important results of this study indicated that with BI successfully deployed, executives would use the knowledge provided for their necessary actions in sustaining the organizations’ competitive advantage in terms of economics, social and environmental issues.The BI model well explained how BI was deployed in Malaysian telecommunications companies. This study thus contributes significantly to the existing literature that will assist future BI researchers especially in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. In particular, the model will help practitioners to consider the resources that they are likely to consider when deploying BI. Finally, the applications of this study can be extended through further adaptation in other industries and various geographic contexts

    Enhancing economic development through economic empowerment: Challenges for women

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    Status of women around the world varies among parts of the world.Some developing countries like Africa, the status of women is low compared to the developed countries.There is an urgent need to give attention to the needs and problems of women to enable them to enjoy and exercise their rights and opportunities; thus, women can be part of a group contributing to national development. Generally, women and economy often are separated as two different identities in enhancing the sustainable economy.The facts that the number of women working in the industries is less than the number of men are no longer false.Therefore, the paper aims to discuss women empowerment specifically in regard to economic empowerment. Three elements, namely microfinance, education and legal aid that contribute towards economic empowerment for women also will be argued in the paper.The challenges women faced towards achieving economic empowerment also will be discussed

    Akademi Sastera "Percubaan Berani" DBP

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    Akademi Sastera menjadi model kepada Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) apabila kegiatan yang berkonsepkan rancangan realiti televisyen ini berjaya dianjurkan

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tahu Diolah Kembali Menjadi Bahan Pangan (Tempe Gembus)

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    Artikel ini akan membahas tentang industri tempe gembus yang dikelola oleh masyarakat di daerah pedesaan Gundik, Kec Slahung, Kab. Ponorogo. Jenis produk utama yang diambil adalah limbah ampas tahu yang kemudian diolah menjadi tempe gembus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan limbah ampas tahu yang dikelola menjadi bahan pangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ABCD ( Asset Based Community-driven Development ) yaitu sebuah metode yang mengutamakan manfaat aset serta potensi yang ada di desa dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah hasil dari wawancara dan dokumentasi kepada narasumber yaitu produsen tempe gembus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah ampas tahu bukan hanya sekedar limbah masyarakat yang dibuang namun dapat diolah kembali menjadi bahan pangan

    Visual Representations in Mathematical Word Problem Solving Among Form Four Students in Malacca

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    AbstractLearning how to solve mathematical problems has been a long withstanding difficulty faced by students and has been given constant focus in mathematical development. Successful problem solvers spend more time analyzing a problem and they will find all the alternatives related to the situation. Therefore many educators (Cai, 2003, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000; Smith, 1991) agreed that teaching mathematics through problem solving hold great promise. Furthermore, according to the Malaysian Curriculum Development Centre (2003), one of the important objectives in teaching mathematics is to develop student's mathematical problem solving skills. Mathematical problems are not simply computational tasks type but are problems which also require appropriate selection of strategies and decisions that lead to logical solutions. Word problem solving is one of the important components of mathematics problem solving which incorporate real-life problems and applications. However, many researches revealed that students express great difficulties in handling a word or story problem. This study examined the use of visual representations which posed great difficulties in most mathematical tasks. Secondary students were given the 15Mathematical Processing Instrument (MPI) adapted from Hegarty and Kozhevnikov (1999). This study examined 381 students from eight secondary schools in three different districts in Malacca. Results indicated that less than two percent of the problems were solved using pictorial representation and most of the students preferred to used schematics solutions

    Peran Guru dalam Membentuk Perilaku Siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang

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    This study aims to determine the teacher’s role in shaping student personality, and the constraints of the teacher’s role in shaping student personality at SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang. This type of research is qualitative methods. The subjects in this study were teachers and students. The techniques used in collecting data in this study are through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the role of the teacher is as a teacher guide (finding, directing, motivating), as a role model for giving (attitude, speech, behaviour, mental, morals, good morals), the teacher has carried out its role but, in its implementation, it is less effective, so that the formation of the student’s behaviour has not been achieved. The obstacles teachers face in shaping student behaviour are the negative influence from various social media, lack of family attention, and bad friends associating with students, the teacher has tried but has not succeeded in implementing it


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    The background of this research is the Infaq Manajemen Institute of Blitar is one of the institutions that succeed in collecting the cash waqf and use it supervision in accordance with the needs of the local community. This can happen because fundraising management is applied by the institution runs well so that the cash waqf of obtained optimal. This research uses qualitative research approach and field study research type. Data collection techniques are obtained by indepth interviews, documentation, and observations. The data collection technique is done by condensing data, data exposure and drawing conclusions, while checking the validity of the findings by using the source triangulation method, triangulation method. This research was conducted at the Infaq Management Institute (LMI) Blitar. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Planning in the management of fundamental funds of cash waqf applied by Infaq Management Institute (LMI) Blitar: (a) long-term strategic program plan; (b) Designing budget and target; (c) Build a broadcast fund-based wakaf scenario. 2) In the implementation of Fundraising management of waqf waves by Infaq Management Institute (LMI) Blitar used two methods is direct fundraising method through socialization, magazine publishing, and program offerings to partners in collaboration with the institution. While the indirect fundraising method is done by using various social media and the use of fundraising digital platform. 3) Infaq management institutions (LMI) Blitar conduct control of 3 things: (a) Program development; (b) the development of funds; (c) The constraints faced both internally and external institution

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Terjadinya Sprain Dan Strain Pada Pemain Sepak Bola Persibo 1949

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    Sprain and sprain is a form of injury to the musculoskeletal system. Soccer player is a high risk of sprains and strains experienced events. Lack of knowledge in the handling of influential players sprain and strain. The purpose of this study identify "relations with the knowledge sprains and strains in soccer players in the team Persibo 1949.This research uses the analytical method, cross-sectional approach. The entire population of football players Persibo 1949 2014, totaling 27 people. The sample totaled 27 people. Using a non-probability sampling technique that is total sampling. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Analysis of data with crosetab, editing, coding, scoring, tabulating, presented in tables and percentages and curve.The results showed that the relationship of knowledge with the sprain and strain on Persibo soccer players in 1949 can be explained that of the 27 respondents, 17 respondents (63%) had sufficient knowledge never experienced sprain and strain.The conclusion is more than most of the football players in 1949 Persibo have enough knowledge about sprains and strains, majority of the respondents had experienced sprains and strains, and knowledge There is a relationship with the occurrence of sprains and strains in soccer players Persibo 194

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Green Product

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh budaya, sosial, pribadi, psikologi, produk, harga, tempat dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian green product. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu non probability sampling atau jenis purposive sampling yang menggunakan 150 sampel. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data primer. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji instrumen, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel budaya, sosial, psikologi, harga, tempat, promosi secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian sedangkan variabel pribadi dan produk tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Dalam penelitian ini variabel Psikologis menjadi faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (Adjusted R Square) memiliki nilai sebesar 0,429 sehingga keputusan pembelian dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel budaya, sosial, pribadi, psikologi, produk, harga, tempat dan promosi sebesar 42,9% dan sisanya 57,1% dijelaskan variabel lain. Oleh sebab itu apabila pemasar ingin memasarkan produk ramah lingkungan maka harus diperhatikan faktor budaya, sosial, pribadi, psikologi, produk, harga, tempat dan promosi yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian